Kevwaters is a manufacturing factory. Established in 2013, from a very humble beginning. At that time, our workshop only occuplied 150 square meter and we only had 2 CNC machines and some second-hand lathe machines.
In 2016, Kevwaters moved to a bigger factory which was around 500 square meters. Meanwhile, Our CNC machines were increased to 6 machines totally.
In 2018, Kevwaters moved to another factory, covered a area of 1500 sqaure meters, equipped with 12 CNC machines and 2 CNC centre machines.
In 2022, Kevwaters made a important step to move to a new factory building which are 3500 square meters, equipped with 21CNC machines and 6 CNC centre machines and laser welding machines and etc.
Kevwaters has an ongoing focus on research and development of new technologies. Embracing of brand new turnning and milling(4+4) machines, Robotic loadings and automatic bar feeders, Kevwaters reach a new high level of production capacity, combined with a very high working precision.
Kevwaters will keep investment in hi-tech machines to ensure the good quality.